Extraction Aftercare: Do’s and Don’ts

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There are some dental situations that require an impacted tooth to be removed, especially if there are restorative procedures that would work and it’s impossible to salvage it. 

While your extraction is done by a dentist near you under the influence of anesthesia and is generally painless, the aftereffects can be difficult for some people to deal with and require proper aftercare. You need to strictly adhere to the guidelines given to you after the appointment ends. Should you have queries or concerns, talk to our dentist in Winnipeg.

The removal of a tooth from its bone socket is a common dental surgery known as a tooth extraction. To encourage recovery and avoid complications, it’s essential that you properly care for the area after tooth extraction. Below are a few guidelines to adhere to after tooth extraction.


  1. Follow the advice of your dentist: Your dentist will provide you with clear guidance on how to look after the extraction site, along with how frequently to clean your mouth as well as what to eat and drink.
  2. Bite on gauze: To assist reduce bleeding, bite on a wad of gauze for 30 to 45 minutes after the extraction. Replace the gauze as required.
  3. Apply ice packs: Ice packs can be used to soothe pain and swelling in the cheek. Within the initial 48 hours following the extraction, use ice packs to soothe the pain and swelling.
  4. Use painkillers as directed: If you have soreness following the extraction, follow your dentist’s instructions for taking painkillers. Do not take more than the suggested amount.
  5. Consume soft foods: For the first few days following the extraction, consume only soft foods such as mashed potatoes, soup, and scrambled eggs. Avoid foods that are chewy, crunchy, or firm since they can aggravate the extraction site. Also, make sure that your food is not too warm as it can cause irritation.


  1. Don’t smoke: Smoking can slow recovery and raise infection risk. For at least 24 hours following the extraction, abstain from smoking.
  2. Do not use a straw: Avoid using a straw when drinking since doing so may cause a painful disease called dry socket by disturbing the blood clot that has formed in the socket. After the extraction, refrain from using straws for at least 24 hours.
  3. Do not rinse vigorously: Avoid using a lot of mouthwash because it can cause the blood clot to break up and slow healing. According to your dentist’s instructions, gently rinse your mouth with salt water.
  4. Don’t touch the extraction site: Don’t use your fingers, tongue, or any other objects to touch the extraction site. This might spread bacteria and cause an infection.
  5. Avoid physically demanding activities: Activities that are strenuous might raise blood pressure and cause bleeding. For at least 24 hours following the extraction, refrain from exercising, doing hard lifting, and other intense activities.
  6. Don’t spit: Spitting creates unnecessary strain and pressure inside the mouth. It can lead to bleeding and dislodging of the blood socket when done after tooth extraction.

Most patients can anticipate some localized pain, bruising, and swelling, which will go away with time. In the meantime, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs can aid in managing these symptoms. Very often, there will be ongoing bleeding and infection of the area, which may call for specialized care, including antibiotic therapy for infection.

It is quite normal to experience some pain and sensitivity for up to 2 weeks following a tooth extraction near you. Consult your dentist for toothpaste or medicines to remedy those.  Following these dos and don’ts after tooth extraction can help promote healing and prevent complications.

If you’ve been experiencing severe pain, bleeding, or other problems, contact Greenwoods Pediatric Dentistry to get access to the best oral healthcare in Winnipeg.

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